

New Member
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hello i'm alittle lost. as i was looking for free web page on goolge i happened to come across you guys. this site is great. but i have one problem. i have a very limitted inderstanding of html code. on a scale of 1-10 (1 being some that never heard of a computer to 10 web site making GOD) i would have to say that i'm a 3 and i have only work with ftp uploaders once a very long time ago. i put my application through to soon i think. i have really only worked with yahoo pagebuilder and others like that, that only give you a taste and not much room for creative licence. can someone help me creat a site. if not, can someone point me in the direction to setting a site up. in turn, i'm pretty good and grafic arts department and i've worked with the most popular programs.

nice to meet you guys and thanks for your time. i hope to read for you soon.


life is too short ask me now. if i say say no at least you can move on faster.

Feeling a little nagected no one has even said hi to me
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