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I am programming a simple forum script (yes, I know, there is a lot of open source scripts in the web) and I started with the users system (registry of users and login)
For security, I am using sha256 to encript the password, in two pass:
1) In one file I have the Salt text, encripted in md5... for example:
2) In the Users Registry script I encript the password:
I think you saw that I "double encript" the Salt text (the variable $salt is saved in a configuration file, and I call the file using require() )
3) All works well, the user's info is saved in the mysql, etc
4) Now I am going to try the login script...
5) The login script consist in a html file:
6) this file redirects me to a php script that create "cookies" with the required info:
this script encript the password :lockd:
7) the script redirects me to a second file with the function of validate the cookies info:
8)I think is a really secure metod with offers security for me and the users... well, here is where I get the error:
9) Note that this is not my first attempt for made this script work, I tested three differents metods, with the same result
Please help me!!!
p.d: All the file names and other things that represents a security issue for me and x10hosting were changed
p.d 2: sorry for my english, I only have 13 years xD
p.d 3: I tested only the script that creates the first cookies and I don't have any problem, I used the firefox extension Web Developer to saw the cookies and all is in his place
For security, I am using sha256 to encript the password, in two pass:
1) In one file I have the Salt text, encripted in md5... for example:
$salt = hash(md5, 'starwars')
$password = hash(sha256, $salt . $HTTP_POST_VARS["password"]
3) All works well, the user's info is saved in the mysql, etc
4) Now I am going to try the login script...
5) The login script consist in a html file:
<FORM ACTION="1.php" METHOD="post">
Nick : <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="nick" SIZE="20" MAXLENGTH="20">
Password: <INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="password" SIZE="28" MAXLENGTH="20">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" CLASS="boton" VALUE="Ingresar">
6) this file redirects me to a php script that create "cookies" with the required info:
setcookie("pass",hash('sha256', '$salt . $HTTP_POST_VARS["password"]'),time()+7776000);
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
location.href = "2.php";
7) the script redirects me to a second file with the function of validate the cookies info:
function quitar($mensaje)
$mensaje = str_replace("<","<",$mensaje);
$mensaje = str_replace(">",">",$mensaje);
$mensaje = str_replace("\'","'",$mensaje);
$mensaje = str_replace('\"',""",$mensaje);
$mensaje = str_replace("\\\\","\\",$mensaje);
return $mensaje;
if(trim($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["nick"]) != "" && trim($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["pass"]) != "")
$passN = quitar($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["pass"]);
$nickN = quitar($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["nick"]);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT password FROM usuarios WHERE nick='$nickN'");
if($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
if($row["password"] == $passN)
//90 dias dura la cookie
Ingreso exitoso, ahora sera dirigido a la pagina principal.
echo "Password incorrecto";
echo "Usuario no existente en la base de datos";
echo "Debe especificar un nick y password";
8)I think is a really secure metod with offers security for me and the users... well, here is where I get the error:
[B]Warning[/B]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/samurais/public_html/pruebas/ingresar_user2.php:1) in [B]------------/2.php[/B] on line [B]25[/B]
[B]Warning[/B]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/samurais/public_html/pruebas/ingresar_user2.php:1) in [B]-----------/2.php[/B] on line [B]26[/B]
Ingreso exitoso, ahora sera dirigido a la pagina principal.
9) Note that this is not my first attempt for made this script work, I tested three differents metods, with the same result
Please help me!!!
p.d: All the file names and other things that represents a security issue for me and x10hosting were changed
p.d 2: sorry for my english, I only have 13 years xD
p.d 3: I tested only the script that creates the first cookies and I don't have any problem, I used the firefox extension Web Developer to saw the cookies and all is in his place
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