

New Member
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Hi I'm devin and I'm 17.

And I'm building a store site for my Uncle :) But I need the find my finished work lol. I uploaded the wrong site :p But it still works.

I'm hoping to use a forum in the site, and maybe some game site just in case someone gets bored lols.

I have an IPB board that I wont be using, I'm just converting mods from IPB 2.0 to IPB 2.1 because I like them lols. I cant use IPB over here, its using too much space, it's going to use 10 gigs of space soon if I dont stop adding useless stuff. :p

I have so much time, :) But thats only for 3 weeks until school starts.

Since this host is so cool, I'm gonna add it to my affiliates list :)

Anyways I'm going to take it slowly on the website, so I dont get myself stressed up. which had been lately.

Anyways Got to add the AD codes. I like the yahoo code :p As long as its google or yahoo ads I dont care lol. I like them. :p GIves me useful links sometimes.

I need to get DreamWeaver, I forgot where I put the disc. o_O

I'm probably going to start a resource site for my IPB stuff and other stuff, But probably going to use SMF or older versions of IPB. or phpbb. It depends. But I think I like powerBB.
I need to use free stuff lol. IPB is only 1 installation per license and 1 test board, which sucks. I cant afford that many licenses. Wish I had lots of money.

Chris Z

Active Member
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well..i'd like to welcome you to the site, it looks like you have quite a few things on your priority list, but that's pretty cool that you're doing a store for your uncle.

Good Luck with that!


New Member
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Thanks :)

well it's only a store site. Nothing much :) But I could just make a fake store with virtual money and virtual things :p (more RPG like :p)

I'm just going to take it slowly. or I'll keep doing mistakes like today, I forgot that my images were in the css folder. lol and it cant load from it.

I added the ADs code but now I need to redesign the page, I think the ads look ugly at the top with white background. I'll make it look cool.