My name is Niels Van Cauwenberg, i'm 17 years old and I live in Belgium.
I'd rilly like to make a site for myself, I used to have an account here but I'm not familiar with the new system.. so is signing up and activating the mail enough or should make a post somewhere, or do i need a minimum amount of posts..?
I'll tell u some more bout my hobbies and my intrests:
- Football (Soccer for u americans)
- Youth Movement (=scouts.. but cooler, it's named Chiro in Belgium)
- FullKenpoe (it's full contact fighting, fun but rilly intensive)
I think this can count as an introduction!
My site will be a personal site, with some info bout, some photo's, maybe a clansite for a friend of mine..
C Ya,
and please reply so i know what to do!
My name is Niels Van Cauwenberg, i'm 17 years old and I live in Belgium.
I'd rilly like to make a site for myself, I used to have an account here but I'm not familiar with the new system.. so is signing up and activating the mail enough or should make a post somewhere, or do i need a minimum amount of posts..?
I'll tell u some more bout my hobbies and my intrests:
- Football (Soccer for u americans)
- Youth Movement (=scouts.. but cooler, it's named Chiro in Belgium)
- FullKenpoe (it's full contact fighting, fun but rilly intensive)
I think this can count as an introduction!
My site will be a personal site, with some info bout, some photo's, maybe a clansite for a friend of mine..
C Ya,
and please reply so i know what to do!