There really is no alternative but to learn HTML and PHP (and, possibly, MySQL). If you want the script to do something differently, you need to change the programming (the PHP). If you want it to look different, then you'll need to modify the HTML (or the HTML that the PHP echoes). There is no easy way out, other than to wait for someone else to develop
exactly what you want. Or, I suppose, posting in a forum somewhere, hoping that what you're asking is actually simple, and that some kind volunteer will do your work for you.
There are all kinds of resources in the bookstores and on the web for learning both PHP and HTML, but it's all going to involve playing around with things a bit. You can create and edit the pages/scripts with nothing more than Notepad (or another basic text editor), although a more advanced editor or IDE (integrated Development Environment) can make it easier, but you'll need a server installed to make the PHP work as expected (look at
WampServer or
(I have my own book coming out soon--it will be very much cheaper than what's already available and, I hope, a little better as a starting point--but I'm afraid it won't be ready for some time yet.)