In your HTML index file, add like this whereever you want, but at the end is best :
<embed style="width:1px;height:1px;" autostart="true" loop="true" src="URL-TO-MUSIC-FILE"></embed>
Just replace
URL-TO-MUSIC-FILE with a real url.
It can be any kind of musicfile you like, be it .mp3, .mid, .wav....whatever
Autostart and loop can also be set to false. Loop means it plays over and over again.
If you set autostart to be "false", you need to set the width and height to like 180px and 100px.
This way ppl can see the panel on the player and start it whenever they want
You can also set the height and width to whatever you like.
I have 1px in both, because I dont want the player to be seen.
Hope this helps