hey guys im having a few problems really its best if the mods , admins really look at it as ive tried asking other ppl from here with no joy
so here it goes again
i have placed the banners on the site all correctly and u can check this if u look at my account they are in the rite places but they dont show cause the theme covers them, now i really like the theme really i do but the banner just doesnt agree with it and covers it if theres a way to make them show id be so gratefull but if theres not il have to accept that i cant use the theme
as i dont wanna be suspended either for you not seeing the banners when they are there but the theme is covering them so any help would be apreciated
Second problem well not really a problem more of a question really lets see, i have my normal domain k blade05.x10hosying.com/blade ..........ok but i made a sub domain witch didnt work for some reason the pictures would not show just red "x" on every picture for some wierd reason and so i resorted to putting it in the same place my other root folder was ( beside the blade nuke folder) and it works really well now my question is " is this a problem that could cause major issues with my site or is this ok to do , im geting the feeling it aint to be honest with you".
i have placed the banners on the site all correctly and u can check this if u look at my account they are in the rite places but they dont show cause the theme covers them, now i really like the theme really i do but the banner just doesnt agree with it and covers it if theres a way to make them show id be so gratefull but if theres not il have to accept that i cant use the theme
Second problem well not really a problem more of a question really lets see, i have my normal domain k blade05.x10hosying.com/blade ..........ok but i made a sub domain witch didnt work for some reason the pictures would not show just red "x" on every picture for some wierd reason and so i resorted to putting it in the same place my other root folder was ( beside the blade nuke folder) and it works really well now my question is " is this a problem that could cause major issues with my site or is this ok to do , im geting the feeling it aint to be honest with you".