I have arrived

Hyp3r grunt

New Member
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Hello everyone, I am Hyp3r grunt. I am scottish and I have been running a halo website on freewebs.com. I started with the easy site builder and then I moved onto html only mode, I soon found that the webspace and bandwidth provided by the service was extremely limited. I had a look around the internet and on another forum, in someone's signature I found something saying that this is the ultimate web host and here I am. All I need to do is put one ad on top of each of the pages of my site and I get massive amounts of space and brilliant bandwidth?, I'm in. Here is my website, www.halonirvana.co.nr


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Hyp3r grunt said:
Hello everyone, I am Hyp3r grunt. I am scottish and I have been running a halo website on freewebs.com. I started with the easy site builder and then I moved onto html only mode, I soon found that the webspace and bandwidth provided by the service was extremely limited. I had a look around the internet and on another forum, in someone's signature I found something saying that this is the ultimate web host and here I am. All I need to do is put one ad on top of each of the pages of my site and I get massive amounts of space and brilliant bandwidth?, I'm in. Here is my website, www.halonirvana.co.nr

Not only massive amounts of space and bandwith, also friendly and fast customer support that cant be found even for paid hosting..