Hi! I just need to find out something important before I upload my site.
My site which I plan to upload to x10hosting servers, is my personal site and as such I like my front page layout to reflect whatever I'm excited about at the moment.
Version one of my site will be an anime-style layout. I have read the TOS and I know you don't allow sites that contain copyrighted anime, which is totally understandable.
But my site has absolutely nothing to do with anime and never will have any copyrighted anime mateial on it. I just happened to see an anime movie the other day called Final Fantasy: Advent Children and my first front layout will feature characters from that movie because I like it.
So I'd like know if the use of my layout is permissible? I'm pretty sure it should be, since the content of my site has nothing to do with anime as I said before.
But I want to avoid any unfortunate events such as someone deleting my site without warning because they didn't look at my content and only judged my site based on first appearances.
Thanks in advance.
Please, can an admin or moderator reply to my post soon? Thank you.
My site which I plan to upload to x10hosting servers, is my personal site and as such I like my front page layout to reflect whatever I'm excited about at the moment.
Version one of my site will be an anime-style layout. I have read the TOS and I know you don't allow sites that contain copyrighted anime, which is totally understandable.
But my site has absolutely nothing to do with anime and never will have any copyrighted anime mateial on it. I just happened to see an anime movie the other day called Final Fantasy: Advent Children and my first front layout will feature characters from that movie because I like it.
So I'd like know if the use of my layout is permissible? I'm pretty sure it should be, since the content of my site has nothing to do with anime as I said before.
But I want to avoid any unfortunate events such as someone deleting my site without warning because they didn't look at my content and only judged my site based on first appearances.
Thanks in advance.
Please, can an admin or moderator reply to my post soon? Thank you.
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