IPv6 addressing for free hosting accounts?

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Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone knows when x10 will start to support IPv6? I have been following IPv4 address depletion stats, and the Asia-pacific region has already been depleted. It also appears that the RIPE region will be next (Europe & Russia), with Africa and Latin America close behind.

ARIN (North America) RIR strongly recommends that service providers be IPv4/IPv6 enabled by January 2012 to ensure that services remain reachable to all Internet users. Does x10hosting plan on following this recommendation before 2012, and if so will we expect any down time of our sites while these changes are implemented?

I have also been following changes and promises made for IPv6 support in cPanel. I realize that full support is not yet complete, but they still claim that all will be ready by the end of 2011. I assume that once this major hurdle is overcome, we can expect notifications that the new cPanel will be implemented and IPv6 connectivity to the servers enabled.

Please confirm

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