It's Deja Vu all over Again: Website Timeout, thanks to WP!


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It's the same old "Same Old", all over again....twice!

Everything working fine until any write / upload command is invoked in WordPress, then a website timeout and an IP Block.
It's happened twice today: Early this morning and then again just now.

No sense repeating details you already know, so I'll just opine a bit.

I'm 99.9999% sure I could log in using another IP Address, but that doesn't get to the root cause.
Is it WordPress? MODsec? Singlehop? Immunify360? All's I know is all fingers point to x10. It's a shame.
If I need to upgrade WP / PHP / etc. I would, but if I have to touch WP at all to do it I'll get an IP Block, making it impossible.

BTW: Curiously, a friend of mine mentioned my problem started the morning of the DNC Convention and remarked if the problem suddenly & unexpectedly resolved tomorrow morning - after the Convention ended - it would be a coincidence so unbelievable it would deserve a blog posting.

Could be my colleague's just wearing a tin foil hat, but who's to say? Their comment made my situation less frustrating and more exciting...I can't wait to see if this actually happens!

In the meantime, as I contemplate a blog post, someone should consider rebranding "x10Hosting" to x10Ghosting" ;):lol::rofl: