It's not working.

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This thing (my account at x10 Hosting - Free Hosting) is not working. I have been unable to access my c-panel for over a week now. My site will not load or display. I can't access my e-mail accounts. I have tried to reset my password three times and was notified twice that it was done, but action status in my account control section showed "error occured while processing this action" - so, now, I have resubmitted the password change. I'll wait another day or so to see if anything happens. But, I have to say, I'm leaning towards bailing out of this whole arrangement.
I'm not the olny one this is happening to. I see many similar posts in the forum. Doesn't anyone in the home office even have a few minutes to post an update message explaining what is going on or letting us know when we can expect some action?
If this is the sort of experience we must expect for the free service, you should make that clear on the signup page before gathering in tens of thousands of clients.
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