<fahadsadahisascammer> and on vigge swes channel # he tried to cause a netsplittrivia
<fahadsadah> ...
<fahadsadah> #trivia
<fahadsadahisascammer> and on vigge swes channel trivia he caused netsplit i mean (well tried to)
<fahadsadahisascammer> ok ok
<vigge_sWe> wht th hell is a netsplit????
<DrTalon|Away> vigge: you see it on bigger networks
<fahadsadah> its when one server splits from another
<fahadsadah> obviously i didn't try - x10 has one server
<DrTalon|Away> netsplit is what happens when one server in the IRC group de-synchronizes from the rest - it disconnects while it tries to catch up
* fahadsadahisascammer is now known as fahadsadahisguiltyokchougard
<fahadsadah> chougard!
<fahadsadahisguiltyokchougard> read my nick fahadsadah
<fahadsadah> You have netadmin dont you?
<chougard> what?
<fahadsadahisguiltyokchougard> dont akil me
<fahadsadahisguiltyokchougard> dont akill me
* vigge_sWe is now known as STOP_IT
* STOP_IT is now known as vigge_sWe
<fahadsadah> Could you change his nick back please?
<vigge_sWe> lol
<chougard> Nope
<Liz> children behave
<fahadsadahisguiltyokchougard> ahhh....
<fahadsadah> ...
<fahadsadahisguiltyokchougard> more he annoys me the longer it gets
<DrTalon> deathbone: I just wanted to point out that with your current behavior you are acting worse than my cousin who can hardly form words.
* fahadsadahisguiltyokchougard is now known as iSuck
<fahadsadah> Hehehe
<iSuck> oi fahad did that
* iSuck is now known as fahadsadahisguiltyokchougard
<fahadsadahisguiltyokchougard> thats better wait even longer!
* fahadsadahisguiltyokchougard is now known as fahadsadahisguiltyokchougardbe
<o_0-> . . .
* fahadsadahisguiltyokchougardbe is now known as fahadsadahisguiltyokandheloser
* fahadsadahisguiltyokandheloser is now known as fahadsadahisguiltyokandheimean
<DrTalon> apparently he has just discovered irc has a maximum length to nicknames.
<fahadsadahisguiltyokandheimean> doh
<fahadsadahisguiltyokandheimean> my nick was going to call him a scamer
<fahadsadahisguiltyokandheimean> oh well
* You are now known as StopAssumingExtraordinarilyLon
* You are now known as gNicknames
* You are now known as fahadsadah
<fahadsadahisguiltyokandheimean> help fahad attack
<fahadsadahisguiltyokandheimean> he tried to turn my nick to ''kick me'' irc type
<fahadsadah> ...
<fahadsadahisguiltyokandheimean> whp
<fahadsadahisguiltyokandheimean> who
* vigge_sWe is now known as quit
<quit> lol
<fahadsadahisguiltyokandheimean> me or fahad
<quit> hey someone pm me
<fahadsadahisguiltyokandheimean> so chougard am i guilty or is fahad he ows me credits
<chougard> I don't know!
<fahadsadahisguiltyokandheimean> so akill him if he no giv credits
<fahadsadahisguiltyokandheimean> plz
<DrTalon> deathbone: out of curiosity why are you flat out _telling_ the staff how to do their job?
* fahadsadahisguiltyokandheimean is now known as deathball619
<DrTalon> *ball/bone, I can't remember which way it goes
<deathball619> im just beggin
<fahadsadah> ...he's a fruitloot
<deathball619> be quit fruitloopsadah
<deathball619> well im going swiftirc
<DrTalon> ...huh.
<fahadsadah> get lost deathball619
<deathball619> just get him 2 giv me credits
<deathball619> 194
<fahadsadah> This is not funny anymore
<deathball619> well he scammed me!
<chougard> let me in!
<deathball619> im going to flame in swift irc)
<DrTalon> chou: lol
* deathball619 has quit ()
* quit is now known as vigge_sWe
<chougard> It's so much nicer in here without Jacob
<chougard> BBL. Going to mess around with car
<fahadsadah> It's so much nicer in here without deathball619
<DrTalon> THATS why it's normally quiet, also explains who deathball kept reminding me of
<DrTalon> XD
<fahadsadah> Rofl
<fahadsadah> chougard: I urge you to look at his site
* deathball619 (ali.sadah@EE5FBBE.2EB95380.584DFC94.IP) has joined #offtopic
<fahadsadah> He has been a member for over a week - no ads
<DrTalon> -_-'
<deathball619> i saw what you said!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* vigge_sWe is now known as quit
* deathball619 has quit (deathball619)
* DrTalon yawns
* deathball619 (ali.sadah@EE5FBBE.2EB95380.584DFC94.IP) has joined #offtopic
<fahadsadah> he just keeps coming back
<deathball619> oi
<deathball619> im going 2 spy so watch wat u say
<fahadsadah> ...spy? What have we got logserv for then?
<DrTalon> or why would any of the staff idle here with logging enabled on their clients for that matter
* quit is now known as vigge_sWe
* l33t has quit ()
* deathball619 has quit ()
* DrTalon discovers something very interesting
<fahadsadah> ?
<DrTalon> god if this wasn't the IRC for my webhosting provider I'd soooooooooo do it.
<DrTalon> no actually it was that deathball didn't register his nickname.
* You are now known as deathball619
-NickServ- Syntax: REGISTER password
-NickServ- Type /msg NickServ HELP REGISTER for more information.
<DrTalon> ...you could've just /ns link deathball619'd
-NickServ- Nickname deathball619 has been registered to you.
-NickServ- Your password is *** -- remember this for later use.
<deathball619> that's what im doing
* You are now known as fahadsadah
-NickServ- Syntax: LINK nickname
-NickServ- Type /msg NickServ HELP LINK for more information.
-NickServ- Nickname deathball619 is already registered!
<DrTalon> cept that ns link requires the nickname to not be in use if memory serves
* You are now known as deathball619
-NickServ- Syntax: DROP password
-NickServ- Type /msg NickServ HELP DROP for more information.
-NickServ- Notice: The DROP command will de-register all of your linked nicknames!
-NickServ- Your nickname and all linked nicknames have been dropped.
* You are now known as fahadsadah
-NickServ- Nickname deathball619 has been linked to your nickname.
<DrTalon> still unregistered
<DrTalon> wait nm there it goes, lol
<fahadsadah> guess who reg'd it?
<DrTalon> Fahad Sadah
<fahadsadah> ...how did you know?
-NickServ- deathball619 is Fahad Sadah
-NickServ- Is using nickname: fahadsadah
-NickServ- Last seen time: Mar 01 12:26:58 2008 EST
-NickServ- Time registered: Mar 01 12:26:58 2008 EST
-NickServ- Last quit message: Leaving
-NickServ- Options: Kill protection, Security
<DrTalon> [11:27:08] -NickServ- deathball619 is Fahad Sadah
<fahadsadah> -NickServ- deathball619 is Fahad Sadah
<fahadsadah> -NickServ- Is using nickname: fahadsadah
<fahadsadah> -NickServ- Last seen time: Mar 01 12:26:58 2008 EST
<fahadsadah> -NickServ- Time registered: Mar 01 12:26:58 2008 EST
<fahadsadah> -NickServ- Last quit message: Leaving
<fahadsadah> -NickServ- Options: Kill protection, Security
<fahadsadah> Any senior staff / hoodkeepers / clown managers online?
<fahadsadah> * [Brandon] idle 01:24:39, signon: Sat Mar 1 14:43:21
<chougard> I'm back
* n0r (apm@83322D02.721F9D99.9D01E5B8.IP) has joined #offtopic
<Sharky> 'ello
<chougard> deathball619 here?
<fahadsadah> Why
<vigge_sWe> no
<fahadsadah> I can pass on a message
<Sharky> I don't see this alias...
<chougard> He's getting a spamming infraction
<Sharky> lol
<fahadsadah> YAY!
* deathball619 (ali.sadah@EE5FBBE.2EB95380.584DFC94.IP) has joined #offtopic
-NickServ- Nickname deathball619 has been unlinked from your nickname.
<Sharky> lol
<fahadsadah> Yay, chougard
<Sharky> We know
<fahadsadah> I'll rep you for that!
<fahadsadah> Do I still need to give him 50%?
<fahadsadah> of what he paid
<deathball619> you do!
<fahadsadah> chougard's the boss!
<deathball619> i want a refund and i get a refund!
<fahadsadah> CHOUGARD
<chougard> I don't know what to say. Ask Brandon
<deathball619> ok brandon
<deathball619> what are your thoughts
<fahadsadah> I'll give him the refund just to be safe!
* bits has quit (Client exited)
<chougard> I kicked my bot didn't I
<fahadsadah> Yup
<deathball619> yup
<deathball619> eages ago
<fahadsadah> chougard
<fahadsadah> Is the infraction on the forums or on his hosting acc?
<fahadsadah> Or both
<deathball619> hopefully
<vigge_sWe> how?
<chougard> Forum
<deathball619> what no
<deathball619> a kill me on irc
<fahadsadah> chougard: YOU ROCK!
<deathball619> just akill me
<fahadsadah> No ali, he wants something that has an effect!
<deathball619> i mean chougard not on forums your account manager
<fahadsadah> How long is the infraction?[/QUOTE]
A hell of a lot of offtopic stuff in there, which I had to remove due to the 10000 word limit, but there's the logs. So you can't have the full refund, no!