How do I get to the cPanel to link my account?
J justy New Member Messages 2 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Nov 29, 2007 #1 How do I get to the cPanel to link my account?
Synkc Active Member Messages 1,765 Reaction score 0 Points 36 Nov 29, 2007 #2 The address of your cPanel is yourdomain:2082 However, you may not be able to access it at the moment due to the current server maintenance. Read the server alerts forums for more information.
The address of your cPanel is yourdomain:2082 However, you may not be able to access it at the moment due to the current server maintenance. Read the server alerts forums for more information.
Fedlerner Former Adm & Team Manager Community Support Messages 12,934 Reaction score 6 Points 38 Nov 29, 2007 #3 You can find detailed instructions on how to link your forum account to your hosting account at: Last edited: Nov 29, 2007
You can find detailed instructions on how to link your forum account to your hosting account at: