After getting that lovely error 500 page for about a minute or so, I was able to access my Admin page, then thiiings staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarted to get sloooooooooooower and sloooooooooooweeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr -_-. See where I'm getting at? What's the cause of this decrease in load speeds? Certainly nothing on my end using bandwidth.:hahano:
Hmm... still no go... I've been waiting for 6 minutes trying to get into my Site Admin global settings page, and i now see there are dtatbase error messages popping up..
You know what? Keep your damn space, and IP block me from your faulty service if you want to... The search for a BETTER free host continues..........
Hmm... still no go... I've been waiting for 6 minutes trying to get into my Site Admin global settings page, and i now see there are dtatbase error messages popping up..
You know what? Keep your damn space, and IP block me from your faulty service if you want to... The search for a BETTER free host continues..........
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