I was going to close this one, But, I am going to re-open it to relay a very important message. If you steal credits we WILL find you. There are signs, here is how I caught this one, the user had 2 posts and 860 credits, That sends up a red flag. I look at his credit history, and see 2 donations, from 2 users. I go to those user's profile, see they signed up same day, never posted and donated all credits to his account. I login to the admin control panel, search for users by IP address, using his IP address it comes back with 3 accounts, his main one and the two that donated credits. This was the easiest one to catch, others aren't so easy, but we do catch them. Do not try it, you will not succeed. If it's serious enough, an ISP is gonna get called. This is plain out theft. Because, the credits are money. They can be cashed in for money. I take theft very serious, and will be dealt with accordingly. You may say, that in this case there was no money evolved. Sooner or later, someone down the line who did this work, would have used the credits for a domain, or for a PayPal payout.. And, in doing so, takes money out of Corey's pocket.