I was wondering if we code make the marquee tag in HTML do domething like what x10 has done at the top of the forum... Where it says "PHP Problems? Upgrade your PHP at http://x10hosting.com/acccount"...except can we put javascript in it?
it would look something like this right?
but when i try to use this script, it dosn't do anything...
it would look something like this right?
<!-- Monster Banner Exchange code begin -->
<script language="JavaScript">
document.write('<s'+'cript language="JavaScript" src="http://www.monsterbannerexchange.com/work.php?n=62&size=1&j=1&c=8-3-9&code='+new Date().getTime()+'"></s'+'cript>');
<IFRAME SRC="http://www.monsterbannerexchange.com/work.php?n=62&size=1&c=8-3-9" width=468 height=60 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 frameborder=0 scrolling="no"></IFRAME>
but when i try to use this script, it dosn't do anything...
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