Moodle and Mahara Intergration XMLRPC


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Following some help from the forums I've managed to setup a Moodle account in the root directory of my site ( and have also setup a Mahara eportfolio ( I teach in a school where user space is extremely limited and our VLE doesn't offer the space that students need to backup/save their work. The whole point was to get moodle to talk to mahara so that students can use the VLE and store their work on the ePortfolio (something a little more advanced than moodle's built in file storage).

When trying to enable mahara in moodle the help says:

"This plugin relies on MNet peers with SSO IDP published, SSO SP subscribed, portfolio services published and subscribed as well as the MNet authentication plugin."

I've checked and all these things are enabled, but I'm not so sure on how to set them up, however from the mahara side of things I get:

"Sorry, you cannot configure Mahara networking because your PHP installation is missing one or more required extensions:xmlrpc"

I really have two questions, has anyone managed to setup a similar system on x10?
Does the free hosting account have xmlrpc disabled by default?

Many thanks,


x10Hosting Support Ninja
Community Support
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Hello. Unfortunately I am not experienced in Moodle so I can't really assist you. However, may I recommend looking on the official Moodle community (or whatever is relevant) for support.

From the error that you have given, it appears that whatever you're trying to do requires xmlrpc. x10Hosting offers the same services to every customer and cannot add one addon for one individual customer. Therefore, if you want this installed, you might be out of luck on free hosting. :( I'm not sure though, so I'd wait for another response before believing mine.