btw, is that picture in your avatar really you? Because I'm starting to associate everyone with their avatars, and think that's how they really look. So to me, you're two thirds chick and 1 third latino-drug-dealing-sunglass-wearer-dude xD
So I guess that makes you a paranoid, cocaine-addicted monkey that's been awake for several days straight
Anyway, I wouldn't say 0.38% CTR is *that* bad. The vast majority of people online ignore just about any ad, if they don't block them. What's more, assuming the site you're referring to is, I noticed my eyes quickly draw away from the ads. On top of that, a lot of the ads don't seem to me like things that would apply to your target audience(teenagers). And teenagers are probably less inclined to click ads anyway.
I think you could increase your CTR with a more noticeable display for the ads. For example, placing a poll of the week or something in the middle of the ads would help to stop a person from ignoring that area. Ads do their best when they're close to attractive content, like the swimsuit models on a car ;-). Also, working to make the content more clear so the ads are more relevant(I know this can be hard) might help as well.