Re: My site does not work/ Unable to login/ forum and host link issues and more...
Looking for some immediate help.
Ready to optimise and monetize my website...
However I have been experiencing the following repetitive issues between "fixing" and having temporary access and nooooo access; (not necessarily in the following order):
"An error occurred attempting to process your request. Please try again momentarily. (Error Code DEADBEEF)" website not appearing at all online (connection issues?)
My own website initially online but not appearing - was fixed when I discovered not all the website files were uploaded to the file manager in public htm - then after fixing - finding that the download "images" file contains no files > thus no "images" files uploaded > thus there were no images appearing on the website, only text and ofcourse the website didn't look anything like the swish website "template" that should have appeared and functioned.
Whilst, I was attempting to sort the issue of no images, I then lost access to the website url
All sorts of error messages including navigational user id problems due to a lack of clarity in the description prompt to insert the domain name to use, i.e. not in full (as above) but
Once that was fixed... the ftp was informed by the client that the client had said "goodbye" and disconnected, not once but twice before I terminated any further connection delays.
Other error messages included:
no anonymous connection allowed
"wrong user" name (which it wasn't) though being a newbie I'm not completely conversant with how the ftp
obtains the login information (must have set up yesterday when I downloaded it???)
Anway, this led me to attempt to login and as was not functioning by the browser shortcut... I typed the url into google...that worked...yay!
Then to my surprise, after going around in circles in many attempts, I successfully reset the password which was done through my email..yay!
I had access for, o, I'm not sure... 30 seconds... and then I was required to log back in... and having had a window of opportunity to use the received new generic password and checking the box to "remember me" which I had copied and pasted, I attempted to paste this password... and you wouldn't read about it (well actually... hear I am on the Google listed forum)... I was informed the password was "wrong" and hey presto... we are back to the beginning...
Here comes that error message (which by the way, under such circumstances is quite aggressive (DEADBEEF) ... however very clear in the message being interpretated correctly...
"An error occurred attempting to process your request. Please try again momentarily. (Error Code DEADBEEF)" ... aka "you have been suspended!"
So... I could have been making money by now... It's 21:15 my local time... I started yesterday afternoon (noooooooooooooooooooooo sleep yet.....)
Please anyone, please have someone... anyone email me at my email address with the "briefest" and "clearest" communication that will see us all with a positive, timely outcome.
PS The whole thingy with the... "you haven't logged into your forum, you will be suspended over the weekend" in conjuction with the "wrong link" from the forum to the host... or is the other way around... from the host to the forum.... will create sufference... immensely over the weekend for me... if this is indeed what is causing so much heartache.... soooooooooo please, if that's going to be the case, pleassseee let me know, otherwise I won't stop trying to fix it from my end...which is very clear by now, it is not going to happen.
Also... does anyone know if the photography website (nude photography article) is going to cause me problems... if so... it was uploaded to file manager and I am unable to login to scrap it... apologies, but I never got the opportunity to ask in the free member forum earlier.
O... and I came across something about flavicons not working either... too many gliches to remember... but I'm only just getting back to html code and working with a ftp etc, etc... so... it's probably something simple.
I have access to other website files... how difficult is it to start over and see if one of these will be up and running in an hour?
Feel free to include all your suggestions about the path I should be taking now
O. And a couple of more things... typing in the login box was "invisible" but if I run the cursor back over the box, my typing was visible in a light shade of blue... and it took three attempts to clear the box.. finally by "cutting" it...(which had just been, adding my login user name in a string each time I attempted to start over);
and the other (let me think a minute)... was... ummm... (pause)
Yep, got it... couldn't log into the forum... so I cut and pasted the "DEADBEEF" error code in full in the google search engine... and... and... and... wait for it... I noticed on this webpage... that it said "You are permitted to post"... that's the first time I have seen this...and wait there's more....
I see with my little eye.. I spy... a "Welcome Tas" at the top of the page... but... and it's a BIG but... I didn't log in into this forum... I didn't even attempt to log in... when I clicked on "reply" to a posting that was relevant to myself... I got another surprise... I was actually able to type and save the message... AND I've also edited this message... twice - successfully!
Well, if you can call it successful, clear writing... I doubt it.. but hey... I need a just a wee lil' break right about now... (lol)
Thanks.. please do not read in a negative light... there's a solution... there are no miracles for a newbie to have a money making website up and running without ironing out the issues firstly...
Also, please bear in mind, I more than likely will not be able to read your responses, but I have my email settings permitting the administrator to email me. Not sure if I should post my email here, so I won't.
Okay... share the love guys... I want a bit for me (please) ... I've spent far too long searching for a decent host... it took alot to make the commitment to .x10hosting... and I'm not great with disappointment... please don't let me down.
Forgive my grammatical and typo errors... extremely worn out... get silly when I'm overtired... I guess that's a good thing... 'coz my giggles are keeping me sane and I haven't pulled out any of my hair yet!
Have a great day... I'm hoping to get some zzzzzzzzzzzzzz soon... but it would be great to see the forum, cpanel and my website before then....
Regards, Tas
User name tasbiz (forum)
User name tas