I'd like to import the content of my website from my last mysql Server to the X10Hosting mysql server. I' don't know why but each time that i try the import button from phpmyadmin it tell me :
requête SQL:
-- Base de donn�es: `dotclear`
USE `d otclear `;
MySQL a répondu:
#1044 - Access denied for user 'mcthon'@'localhost' to database 'dotclear'
I have created a user mcthon_mcthon that get all privilege and didn't help.
Please Help !!
I'd like to import the content of my website from my last mysql Server to the X10Hosting mysql server. I' don't know why but each time that i try the import button from phpmyadmin it tell me :
requête SQL:
-- Base de donn�es: `dotclear`
USE `d otclear `;
MySQL a répondu:
#1044 - Access denied for user 'mcthon'@'localhost' to database 'dotclear'
I have created a user mcthon_mcthon that get all privilege and didn't help.
Please Help !!