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Nice. Clean design, great use of white space; perfectly suits the tone and intent of the content — with one minor exception: the word cloud in the footer.

The representation is almost to be expected, I suppose, especially given the nature of your current work. It's about as natural an infographic as you can get for word/tag frequency. The problem is that it doesn't integrate into the site design at all, and it really looks like a purposeless afterthought. It's not that it doesn't belong or that it's the wrong representation, but that it doesn't fit. (I'd say the same thing about a perfect interactive Gapminder graphic timeline done by Hans Rosling himself if it didn't fit where it was positioned on the page.) There's got to be a better way to locate the cloud, and that's the one thing I'd spend time playing with if I wanted to improve the design.

I might try to constrain it to the bottom of the main content column. I'll admit ahead of time that the required CSS might not be a lot of fun, especially if IE<9 needs to be supported and you want to maintain a semantic separation between the cloud and the column's "natural" content. Keeping it logically/semantically in the footer (or at least separate from the content and sidebar columns) while optically jutting into the content column and maintaining the intercolumn ruling? It's not rocket surgery or squeezing the sweet, sweet information out of petabytes of mere data, but it will still be a challenge thanks to the differences between browsers.


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Thanks essellar, that's awesome feedback, very constructive! I've been uncomfortable about the word cloud myself, and I think a big part of it is where it shows up, like you said. One of these days I'll work on that ;)