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The Guy Everyone Hates
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Close your eyes for a moment, picture a city. A city with high areas of commercial buildings and centers. Where any business can succeed. But secluded, quiet, residential regions for easy and natural living.
The most beautiful beaches and parks you have seen! Just imagine a city, where you can buy luxuries for your properties, at a price people would laugh at. No this city is not a dream, its just virtual!
Swauv is all of the above. Begin your life in Swauv! Create your own apartment and furnish it to your likings. Build a house, make a beautiful garden and back yard, and invite your friends to have the most
happening party in the neighbourhood! And, did you ever want to start up your own business? Swauv is the place to start! Make your own office buildings to launch your business. Or, if that life is to much
for you, just enter the city, meet new friends, talk with old ones, and just have fun.

What can you do in Swauv? You can make your own avatar(Swauve), dress him/her up, make your own rooms, houses, or office buildings, and furnish them with exquisite furniture. You can even roam the streets by house or car.

SO I need advertising to start building hype about the game.
I will be paying in points.

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