Need help getting website up...

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I have revently set up an account here, and I would like to upload the site I have already made which is stored on my flash drive from a public computer (which has deepfreeze so I don't need to worry about someone trying to get into my site). I set up the web disk correctly and attempted to use the web disk in order to upload the entire folder which contains my website into the public_html folder on the web disk, but it wouldn't copy and said that the folder was unavailible. I was able however, to upload the folder to the root directory. But seeing as how no-one can view the site if it's not in the public_html folder, it seems rather pointless. I even tried moving the folder after it was in the root dierctory to public_html, but this failed as well.

In addition, when I attempt to access folders, it displays a message saying that, "Documents in this folder are not availible. The folder may have been moveed or deleted, or network problems may be preventing a connetion to the server." Hopefully someone can help me out.

EDIT: I am using an ad-free hosting package, my cpanel user id is me000000, and my url is

Thanks in advance.
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New Member
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My suggestion is remove the contents from the folder. Make sure you have the index.html out of the folder. Should be like this what that does is looks for the index.html in the public_html and not in some folder.

Reason people can't see your site is if it's in a folder named"blahblah" then the site is looking for an index.html page which isn't there.

Your best bet is to use an ftp such as filezilla or similar program and upload all files. Make sure they are not in a folder.

If in a folder then it's considered a sub-domain. Give it a try and let me know if it works :)
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