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Don't ever have your username or password hidden in your code. Hackers have no problem decrypting those encryptions. Its not hard to remember what you had your username or password and if you can't, just email your self the link and your username and password so that you have easy access to it.

Unless of course you can't remember the username & password to your email account! And you will need it, because the assumption is that you are on a public PC whilst doing all this.

Otherwise you wouldn't need all these measures anyway. On your own computer all you would obviously need, as has been said, is a saved link/shortcut which would take you to the right page in the first place. Or use that bloomin' post-it-note. It's not brain surgery.

And hiding username/pass on your site is fine if it is done properly. There are many ways to hide & disguise info so that it would be impractical for anyone else to work out what it is & what it's for. Do you think anyone is going to devote their lifetime trying to hack the sort of website we are talking about here? I think not.

Anyway, I'm bored of trying to justify my point. I'll leave the rest of you to it! ;)
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New Member
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Unless of course you can't remember the username & password to your email account! And you will need it, because the assumption is that you are on a public PC whilst doing all this.

Otherwise you wouldn't need all these measures anyway. On your own computer all you would obviously need, as has been said, is a saved link/shortcut which would take you to the right page in the first place. Or use that bloomin' post-it-note. It's not brain surgery.

And hiding username/pass on your site is fine if it is done properly. There are many ways to hide & disguise info so that it would be impractical for anyone else to work out what it is & what it's for. Do you think anyone is going to devote their lifetime trying to hack the sort of website we are talking about here? I think not.

Anyway, I'm bored of trying to justify my point. I'll leave the rest of you to it! ;)
Do you know how many tools there are for this sort of job? People don't have to do it themselves, they just have to start it. Trust me I've learned ways to secure my site without HTTPS because I've learned how to hack, not that I do it.


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Well, you could also install a web based file manager, such as PHP File Navigator or a FTP client, such as FileZilla, or (if under FF) FireFTP . This way, you can edit your website without compromising your whole cPanel account.


New Member
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Think what ive done now works just fine, and think its just as safe as the rest.. :D