Hey I am trying to make a text file (.txt) be split into parts of a certain size and be saved. I need some help with the coding. Is there anyone that can help me?
Can you explain a little more what you are trying to do? I'm not quite sure what you mean. Do you want just the text in the files to be saved as different sizes and parts?
Ok like i want to open a Text file (.txt) into a TextBox in visual basic...then i want another textbox where you put in size of the gonna-be splitted text and then a command button to save the splitted files. I know that sounds confusing so here it is...
If I have saved a text file in notepad..with the following text..
.lets call it Chaganlal1.txt
lets say thats 6 kilobytes... I want to split it into the size i choose...so after that I would have Chaganlal1(part1).txt Chaganlal1(part2).txt Chaganlal3(part3).txt... and so on
Hope this made it more clear - thanks, chag
Well I am trying to get the code/help on how to code. If you would mind your business and not POST useless information on the subject in my thread ill appreciate it. THANK YOU
If you're just starting out in VB this is something you would want to try & stay away from. Lol, this is not beginners' stuff. Telling a program how to read the algorithms of a text document & split it properly into separate files is something that can be a little confusing if you don't know any VB before-hand.
It's like going to the store to buy a chocolate bar. Except you skipped the part where you went to work for the money. Going to be a little tough to get that chocolate bar. You see what I am saying?
You could just do a search and store text function. Where you call the file, then search it for specific text and then store it. I can't remember the exact code for it, but if thats what you want I can find it.