nice to hear that
It will be my first site like this.
I hope to earn some money with it.
I have an idea to create a lot of sites mini sites full of good content articles
and all stuffed with good keywords so it will be targeted.
and all sites will have content ads. but not google adsens... its pennies
There will be google look like asd from skadoogle
it is very good and FREE software <- to dominate affiliate marketing.
here is my affiliate link to 40s video if someone is interested.
with my domain redirecting to it ^^
and site will be ready in 2-3 days the basic site.
but im still fighting: i can't create exit pop up page.
and need to find the solution to start creating list
so much work
oh you can alsow visit my personalized (thats me on that picture) mall created with skadoogle