

New Member
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Hiya lot.

I'm known as Nick, or better known on the net as Drake, Drake Flammel, Jake, Jakob, Jakob Flammel, or Jakob Atlanta. Um, I also know Zero Tolerance of GZEvolution. When ProBoards was in v3 before SL and CF bought the code and ProBoards updated to v4, Zero Tolerence coded many features on one of my forums.

I go through several referrals in search of a better host than I had before. It has been 6 hosts I been with now since I found one I like. I must've tried out nearly 50 through 80 hosts.

So far I'm not liking x10hosting dued to the wait time for replies from a staff member. So far this place has my lowest customer service rating I ever give, if I ever give them out. x10hosting is very confusing as well.

I'm seventeen, and I got a good score on my SATs, and hold a 3.86 GPA. I'm going into my senior year, so that has to be fun. I can run a library solo and I have done so many times in the past, it's harder than it looks, give your librarians an easy time, you'd be amazed of what they do.

I do know quite a few coding langauges and mainly code alot of my websites without help. I do tend to use alot of premade JavaScripts for ProBoards but I do write some of my own and do my own HTML. Graphics are always done at my request.

Peter of ProBoards, the old admin of SolidSnake Designs, I was on two of his BETA teams for codes, the one with the most popularity but never finished must be Project Rebirth. About over 20,000 lines in code if done.

I can role play at an advance/expert level, and I do hate tyros, even though I been one in the past.

I wish to major in theology and philosophy, but I'm told a lot to go into politics or be a doctor, as I outsmarted several before. Though philosophy and religion facinates me for reasons I cannot explain.