I want to use either a PHP or ASP.NET server script with a flash app gallery to create thumbnails and load images to improve the quality of the images and increase the speed of loading.
The page my gallery is on is http://velden.x10hosting.com/busbar_production.html
My PHP and ASP.Net scripts are saved at http://velden.x10hosting.com/gallery_busbar/thumb.php and thumb.aspx
Please can you help me as the reason I used your hosting was becuase you support ASP.NET and PHP.
The page my gallery is on is http://velden.x10hosting.com/busbar_production.html
My PHP and ASP.Net scripts are saved at http://velden.x10hosting.com/gallery_busbar/thumb.php and thumb.aspx
Please can you help me as the reason I used your hosting was becuase you support ASP.NET and PHP.