Chris S
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I have the following code to look through my iTunes Library and compile some data for me.
Basically what I am trying to do is search $albums and see if there are some links in there. If there are (i know there will be) delete them. The one important thing is that I atleast get rid of the http://localhost because that will make it search the music directory over and over.
Also, How do I remove %20 from the url. I tried
but i get
and line 111 is the $abbums = preg_replace..... code.
Anyways if you can help me with at least one of the problems that would be great.
$function = $_GET['function'];
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbusername = 'sterling';
$dbpasswd = '******;
$database_name = 'music';
$connection = mysql_pconnect("$dbhost","$dbusername","$dbpasswd")
or die ("Couldn't connect to server.");
$db = mysql_select_db("$database_name", $connection)
or die("Couldn't select database.");
$url1 = 'http://localhost';
$url2 = 'music';
$main_url = $url1.'/'.$url2;
$banned_urls = array("$url1", "$main_url", "$main_url.'/?C=D;O=A'", "$main_url.'/?C=M;O=A'", "$main_url.'/?C=S;O=A'", "$main_url.'/?C=D;O=A'", "$main_url.'/information.php'");
$links = GetInput("$main_url", '');
function GetInput($url) {
$handle=fopen($url, 'r');
$contents = '';
while (!feof($handle)) {
$contents .= fread($handle, 8192);
return $contents;
function GetLinks($url, $filter)
$links = array();
preg_match($match_domain, $url, $res);
if (!$domain)
return false;
if (!$input=GetInput($url))
return false;
$lookfor='/<[aA]\s.*?[hH][rR][eE][fF]=[ "\']{0,}([-.,\%_\(\)|=~;+:\?\&\/a-zA-Z0-9]+)[ "\'>]/';
preg_match_all($lookfor, $input, $data);
while (list($k, $v)=each($data[1]))
// filter by
if( strlen($filter) )
if( !strstr($v, $filter) )
if (stristr($v, 'javascript:'))
// ignore - contains javascript
elseif (stristr($v, '//')==$v)
elseif (stristr($v, 'http://')!=$v)
if (stristr($v, '/')!=$v)
if( count($links) )
$links[] = 'No Data';
return $links;
if (($function) == 'artists'){
$artists = GetLinks("$main_url", '');
$numb_of_artists = count($artists);
$query = mysql_query("UPDATE `information` SET artists='$numb_of_artists'") or die(mysql_error());
if (($query) == 'True'){
echo "Done. Also you have $numb_of_artists artists";
echo "Whoops, there was an error but, you have $numb_of_artists artists";
}elseif (($function) == 'albums'){
$links = GetInput("$main_url", '');
$albums = GetLinks("$main_url", '');
foreach ($albums as $artist_album)
$search = "%20";
$replace = " ";
$albums = preg_replace($search, $replace, $artist_album);
$album_rar = GetLinks($artist_album);
$rar_count = count($artist_rar);
$count = $count + $raw_count;
$query = mysql_query("UPDATE `information` SET albums='$count'") or die(mysql_error());
if (($query) == 'True'){
echo "Done. Also you have $count albums";
echo "Whoops, there was an error but, you have $count albums";
}elseif (($function) == 'songs'){
echo "not coded yet";
Please choose an option<br>
<a href="information.php?function=artists">Artists</a>
<p><a href="information.php?function=albums">Albums</a>
<p><a href="information.php?function=songs">Songs</a>
Basically what I am trying to do is search $albums and see if there are some links in there. If there are (i know there will be) delete them. The one important thing is that I atleast get rid of the http://localhost because that will make it search the music directory over and over.
Also, How do I remove %20 from the url. I tried
$search = "%20";
$replace = " ";
$albums = preg_replace($search, $replace, $artist_album);
but i get
Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: No ending delimiter '%' found in G:\wamp\www\music\information.php on line 111
and line 111 is the $abbums = preg_replace..... code.
Anyways if you can help me with at least one of the problems that would be great.
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