I get the following error while trying to access the database using the pear MDB2 package:
Fatal error: MDB2 Error: not found
unable to find package 'MDB2_Driver_mysql' file 'MDB2/Driver/mysql.php' in /home/rivaljo1/public_html/lib/dao/FactoryDAO.php on line 15
from those pages: (http://lostanimals.x10hosting.com/lost_main.php, http://lostanimals.x10hosting.com/found_main.php) while trying to submit.
I noticed the error yesterday but it was working before (since the package had been installed: http://forums.x10hosting.com/free-hosting/33956-pear-mdb2-package.html)
My account informations:
Domain: lostanimals.x10Hosting.com
Hosting Package: Adfree
Username: rivaljo1
Intermediate PHP Configuration
Was the MDB2 package installation modified recently?
I get the following error while trying to access the database using the pear MDB2 package:
Fatal error: MDB2 Error: not found
unable to find package 'MDB2_Driver_mysql' file 'MDB2/Driver/mysql.php' in /home/rivaljo1/public_html/lib/dao/FactoryDAO.php on line 15
from those pages: (http://lostanimals.x10hosting.com/lost_main.php, http://lostanimals.x10hosting.com/found_main.php) while trying to submit.
I noticed the error yesterday but it was working before (since the package had been installed: http://forums.x10hosting.com/free-hosting/33956-pear-mdb2-package.html)
My account informations:
Domain: lostanimals.x10Hosting.com
Hosting Package: Adfree
Username: rivaljo1
Intermediate PHP Configuration
Was the MDB2 package installation modified recently?