This is my new site. I'm having a problem when I cut and paste into a post; it comes up with an error:
Your message has too few characters.
Even sometimes when I type in the message, if it's a fairly long post, this error pops up. Over at the phpBB support some of the members were saying its a mod_security issue. I don't know what that is. I didn't change any security settings on the board. I was wondering if it is something that the host must address. If anyone has any ideas...
This is my new site. I'm having a problem when I cut and paste into a post; it comes up with an error:
Your message has too few characters.
Even sometimes when I type in the message, if it's a fairly long post, this error pops up. Over at the phpBB support some of the members were saying its a mod_security issue. I don't know what that is. I didn't change any security settings on the board. I was wondering if it is something that the host must address. If anyone has any ideas...