PHPNuke Problems

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I know there is already a thread like this, the one that was closest to my problem is locked so I decided to make this new one. Recently I installed PHP-Nuke 8.0 and I am having problems. Email Confirmation is not being sent, Im getting a underscore before some text(Problem with multi-language), and I can't change the theme. I changed to intermediate php and still having the same problems. I believe its a problem that deals with global varibles. Either way his a link to someone who had the same problem.

Hope you can help me.


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I've already changed to intermediate and got an email confirming the change. I decided to turn on the error checking to get a better idea of what is going on. I ended up getting these 2 errors for my front page.

Warning: include_once(language/lang-.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/darkmagi/public_html/mainfile.php on line 327

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening 'language/lang-.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/x10hosting/php1/lib/php') in /home/darkmagi/public_html/mainfile.php on line 327

The site works perfectly fine sometimes and other times I get the text errors. By looking at these error messages and comparing to the code I see that for some reason $lang is not getting through.

I was thinking of changing it to just using English no matter what, but that won't solve my other problems such as the fact that the mail confirmation is still not going through.

Warning: mail() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/darkmagi/public_html/modules/Your_Account/index.php on line 145

this could only mean that im still not using intermediate php confirmation since mail() should be enabled. Can you explain more?

Edited: I found one reason the lang problem is occuring, its not the fact that Im not using intermediate, its the fact that the cpanel most likely is using that variable for something else(I am guessing). I found this with some testing. I closed firefox and opened up my webpage, everything was looking fine. Then I logged in cpanel and checked my page again, and I had the lang problem, my guess is that $lang is being used in cpanel. After changing the language using the language block on PHPNuke it was fixed, until I used cpanel again.
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