Please Check Out My Site


New Member
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Your layout is very cluttered. I see 2 areas for content on each page, never a good thing. Content should always appear in one place and that place should be the centre of the screen.

The wording throughout is confusing. Some pages read like a company (namely you have Products and Services pages) and the rest of the site seems like a very empty personal website.

You have no clear focus or indeed objective. The first thing I see is a flash animation for a car about speed. What's that got to do with Jugallos? You have an image with the title "blank graphic" when it's clearly a picture.

This horrendous inconsitency is the only consistent thing about this website. Your products page is a memorial!?!

Your opening sentence reads like you created the MP3 Flash Player, which you didn't and I'm pretty sure Reality Software would be annoyed if it felt you were taking credit for their work.

You have many images that are much larger and you have resized with the <img> tag. Don't do this. Make a seperate, smaller image for users to download as a thumbnail.

It's clearly a beginners site, but we all have to start somewhere. Next time, try writing a simple page yourself using Notepad or, better yet, Notepad++. If you use templates you'll never learn anything worthwhile.


Active Member
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Can't really review this as the template is from another site and well there isn't really any content on the site to review either.
What little content there is really doesn't match the type of template it is and really, what is the point of having a products page if on that page it simply states We don't sell anything?
Sorry, I'm not trying to be harsh but it's not exactly the best site in the world...