Please Review My New Site!


Community Advocate
Community Support
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Nice site.infact a very nice site...I should say.
I assume you are using joomla with a beatz-blue theme/template.
Nice speed on the server but did you keep on the cloudflare setting in your cpanel, it would speed up your site further.


New Member
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Thank you very much. Please explain to me what you mean by cloud fare. Not quite sure. The script had so many bugs in it. But through time and work I was able to resolve them. Photos work, slideshow, embed video etc.. upload video etc.. Please reply to me and again thank you.

---------- Post added at 02:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 PM ----------

Okay I read up on cloudflare. I appreciate your suggestions.
There are some limitations of the CloudFlare system:

  • Currently, requests must be directed to www.yourdomain.tld instead of domain.tld (which means you may need to make some configuration changes: WordPress installations are automatically adjusted).
  • CloudFlare may affect internal statistic programs that read directly from Apache logs. (CloudFlare will not affect web-based analytic programs that use JavaScript like Google Analytics.)
  • While your logs will reflect fewer requests to your server and therefore lower load, the experience to your visitors should be unaffected.
  • CloudFlare caches static content from your site. While this reduces the load on your server, it means that if you make a change to an existing static file, like an image, there may be a delay before the change appears. While you are updating your site, you can put CloudFlare in .Development Mode. so changes appear immediately.
  • CloudFlare's basic mode cannot handle SSL certificates. If you need to use an SSL certificate, that part of your site needs to be on a subdomain that is not protected. I see this option is still in beta mode. I will take advantage of upgrading my hosting as needed to a VPS connection as traffic increases. Again thank you for your great comments.