Please review my site..!!


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I have made this website, but now I am feeling as if it's not up to the mark.
I have started to think that why would any one come to my site when there are
better sites for similar services.

Here's the URL :

Please do have a look and give me suggestions. Also, should I go ahead with buying domain name and web hosting for this site ??

Thank you in advance.


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Start by renaming the file for your home page to index.php so that a link to your domain works without having to specify a filename. (The server will automatically open the index page if one exists.)

You may want to reconsider using Papyrus as a font. Where it's appropriate, it can be truly beautiful (well, except that it's been overused and misused, so people don't quite see it that way anymore), but here you want something that's a good compromise between "all-business" and "friendly" rather than something that connotes antiquity. And it would help if there's a decent fall-back for people who don't have your specified font available. Either a sans-serif, a semi-serif or a modernist serif (not old style) would do the trick; there is a lot of latitude here. I would tend to go for a sans-serif myself, because it can easily make the transition between the display-sized copy on your home page and body text elsewhere.

I would also tone down the background quite a bit. It's okay to have a riot of colour, but don't try to layer your content over it. Give the main content something a lot more subtle to play off against. A stark single-colour background (white or a very, very light and nearly-neutral colour) usually works well, but in some cases it can be nearly as distracting in its own way as a busy coloured background. You might want to look at Subtle Patterns to find a background image for your text ("Blizzard" is a good one, and a very tiny download). Or you could consider a semi-transparent white overlay in the content area to subdue the background.

Your menu, right now, is using image rollovers to do something that can be easily approximated in pure CSS. The only things that can't be done directly in CSS are adding rounded borders in IE8 and below, and text shadows in IE9 and below. (The gradient on the text is actually distracting and makes the text harder to read, so I wouldn't worry about that.) The text shadows might be a problem, but a good choice of colours can make it just a bit of icing on an already delicious cake. It may be the case that XP users with only Internet Explorer installed may be poorly served by a major update, but it's time to stop catering to them at the cost of good, clean design. (I know that a substantial number of people are running, um, unofficial versions of XP, shall we say? That may stop them from from upgrading IE, but they can always install Google Chrome, Firefox or Opera if they find the internet gets too broken for them.) And moving to a text+CSS solution means that you can support a larger number of screen resolutions. Mobile devices like smart phones and tablets can't really be ignored anymore.

That's all strictly about the appearance of the site. Much more important is the functionality, especially on the search page. When the selections are "any, any" (the default), I can see properties listed for Kolkata, but I'll be hornswaggled if I can figure out a way to make them appear if I look for properties in Kolkata. "M4" and "S33" mean nothing to me—so why are those values being displayed as the search area? And why do I have to run separate searches for Central and East if those are the two areas of the city I'm interested in? If I don't know Kolkata (say my company is moving my job there from Chennai) how do I know where "alipore" is in relation to the Central, East, etc., selections offered in the drop-down?

And I know that sorting on multiple fields (columns) can be a bit of a hassle, but it would be a lot better for the user if the properties were categorized in the search results. There doesn't appear to be any way to get more information about the properties, either, and what is being displayed is not very comprehensive. Users would be much better served if each of the result entries looked a little more like a newspaper real estate advert rather than a table of data, with a link to a more comprehensive overview of the property. It would also be better from the seller's or landlord's perspective if they could do a little bit of selling rather than simply entering the geographic, size and price information.

I'll not beat around the bush—it's going to take a lot of work to bring the site up to my standards (I have very high standards), most of that being in the "back end" (making the pages pretty and usable—the front-end work—isn't too difficult for a site like this). If you decide to go for it, though, there is a good deal of potential, both in terms of direct income from listings, and from targeted and related advertising (movers, cleaners, remodelling, decorators, etc.). It's all a matter of providing the features that your users, both the sellers and the buyers, are going to want. Talk to them, find out who they are and what they want andd need, and don't let your notions direct the conversation. Let them wish for angels riding unicorns if they want. In among the fantasies, you will find the basis for a site and service that no-one else is providing. (You don't have thousands of property listings already that are stored in a way that has to mesh with the new design, so you can almost throw out what you have now without a great loss. The few listings you do have can easily be updated to fit if necessary.)

Being small needn't be a big handicap. It puts you in a position to disrupt an industry if you choose to lead rather than follow. If you do well, you'll have a really good client/property list before any of the "big guys" notice you're alive. If they challenge, you keep moving—there is always something you can do better today than you were doing yesterday, and if they're aiming to catch up with where you were last Tuesday, they'll never catch up. You win on your own, or they come to you with bags of money to get their business back. All it takes is a bit of courage and the determination to do a better job than anyone else ever has.