Pre-commercial launch offer on all WebriQ services


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WebriQ provides a dynamic portal engine and content management system that enables anyone to publish their own website, and that from a simple informative website to a complex multisite and multilingual E-commerce, community or news portal.

The company has launched its Beta commercial at the end of last year. During that time frame the engine has been enhanced quite substantially with advanced features for E-commerce, E-marketing, multimedia and community portals.
The company is anticipating to make the service fully commercially available in the course of the fourth quarter of this year.

In anticipation of that, WebriQ is offering its customers a pre-commercial price offer as low as 50% off the anticipated pricing at the time of commercial launch.

WebriQ has four service levels on offer: a Hobby service that is essentially Free of Charge and three premium services. A community service, a Multimedia service and an E-commerce/Business service. Prices in this offer period will start as low as 10USD per month for the Community service and as low as 20USD per month for the E-commerce/Business service.
This means that the WebriQ CMS technology is basically Free, and that the only fees that you are paying as a customer is a Hosting Fee, depending on the functionality of the CMS system.

Beyond the monetary savings, there are also substantial non-monetary savings associated with the WebriQ service model. Time to market is reduced by a factor 10 and implementation risks are virtually non-existent as you will be able to convert your existing website to the WebriQ technology in a matter of days.

For more information, please contact us at or visit