I'm really not pleased with sony.
Its just SOOO painfully obvious that this was a reactionary move to the Wii's input methods. They even said it themselves,
'wii've had this for a couple of weeks now and have the chance to modify one of our games to make use of it.
One game, ONE!
While Wii is built from the groud up to fully make use of its input method.
And the worst thing is, it lags! The PS3 motion sensing LAGS! You can't have that in games. You need instant control. Just watch when he is trying to land the plane in the warhawk demo, SOO much lag, theres lag of a full second at one point. OMG, if it is like that in retail it will be an instant failure.
and i hate that bastard presenting. Phill Harrison.
'just scratching the surface of what this controller means for games.'
Fagtard, all you need to do is go over to Nintendo's booth to see deeper into what it means.
You can just tell he is a businessman and not a gamer. If he was a gamer he would understand what is wrong with that controller.
And that other fag! the developer of warhawk.
Wii're incredibly impressed with the sensitivity, the weight, everything about this new controller is what wii were hoping for PS3
he is, omg. new, the design has barely changed sinced Playstation 1. THATS when the basic aesethetic design of that controller first surfaced.
And what they have taken away is even worse. Rumble. No rumble for PS3 games. They add something that can take you 'deeper into the game' but take away the MAIN thing that has been adding feeling to gaming for 10 years since the rumble add-on for the N64 controller.
sheesh, i like their TVs, but further than that i hate Sony.
Wii60 all the way.