Don't know where else to put this.
But can i run a psybnc off my server?
I've never ran my own and thought that would be fun.
Also thought i'd ask first seeing as i couldn't find anything on it.
i dont think so you can run psybnc.... if you are one of the free users. you dont have ssh access. You will need ssh, for you can compile this, and this needs network traffic. if you put it in a busy IRC Server, im afraid the admin of an hosting server will delete your account. if you are paid user, and you have ssh access, and your plans, includes shell hosting, i think you will be ok for psybnc...
We'll see what an admin has to say. maybe we can work something out.
its not a major deal or anything. i have another bnc account elsewhere. but its hosted by another service. and i dont have any direct control over my account. just wanted to give it a shot and see how to set up and run one.