It seems my site is reaching some limits:
Your site has been limited within the past 24 hours
CPU resources were limited for your site
You have reached entry processes (number of simultaneously running php and cgi scripts, as well as cron jobs and shell sessions) limit 17 times
Your site might hit resource limits soon
You had 1024 I/O usage out of 1024 max I/O usage allowed
I'm not quite sure why and what I can do to rpevent it. I have installed membersgear. During testing I wasn't surprised that there might be some problems, but now (as of 2 days)the site gets 6 or 7 hits a day, so I don't understand why the usage hasn't gone down. (crons is 1/day) Any insights appreciated. I especially want to make sure my account isn't suspended. Thx.
P.S> my acct, if that helps:
Your site has been limited within the past 24 hours
CPU resources were limited for your site
You have reached entry processes (number of simultaneously running php and cgi scripts, as well as cron jobs and shell sessions) limit 17 times
Your site might hit resource limits soon
You had 1024 I/O usage out of 1024 max I/O usage allowed
I'm not quite sure why and what I can do to rpevent it. I have installed membersgear. During testing I wasn't surprised that there might be some problems, but now (as of 2 days)the site gets 6 or 7 hits a day, so I don't understand why the usage hasn't gone down. (crons is 1/day) Any insights appreciated. I especially want to make sure my account isn't suspended. Thx.
P.S> my acct, if that helps:
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