Greetings X10Hosting,
I recently signed up for an account here, at By the I want to login to the control panel, I realised that I've registered for an account here. My country was blocked before, so I guess my account don't get registered. So I tried logging in with it, and I can login with it.
And this thread is to request a termination of my newly created account. The account credentials are as follows:
Email : acrox999 [AT] gmail [DOT] com
Forum account : acrox99960
I tried submitting a request but I can't since it's disabled for lotus server.
Hope you resolve this, thank you.
I recently signed up for an account here, at By the I want to login to the control panel, I realised that I've registered for an account here. My country was blocked before, so I guess my account don't get registered. So I tried logging in with it, and I can login with it.
And this thread is to request a termination of my newly created account. The account credentials are as follows:
Email : acrox999 [AT] gmail [DOT] com
Forum account : acrox99960
I tried submitting a request but I can't since it's disabled for lotus server.
Hope you resolve this, thank you.