Requiring your help with a bit of a code problem


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Hey guys,

I have a bit of a problem with my code! I completly hand code my layout using dreamweaver!!

And I test my layout in Internet Explorer! Now in the design view of Dreamweaver and in IE it looks absolutly fine, no problems what so ever.

Now here is my problem!! When you view the layout in FF it looks completly screwed and doesnt look right at all!

So, my problem is that there is something wrong with my code that makes it look absolutly fine in IE and absolutly messed in FF!

If you require code to page etc just ask!

The link is:

Thanks for help in advance!

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Active Member
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Thats wierd it must be a problem at my end!!

Fixed the problem except I still have gaps inbetween some of the divs on the page, wheras not on IE
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Spartan Erik

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Zenax said:
Thats wierd it must be a problem at my end!!

Yeah it must be something on your end.. it displays fine for me. Maybe an extension is interfering with your website?

Chris Z

Active Member
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one tip...DO NOT TEST PAGES IN IE, for one thing IE is not built on web designing standards (W3schools) and another thing firefox is WAY better than IE, so from now on test everything in Firefox and i will be more compliant to reply to your problems :)


Active Member
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Fair enough.... I shall bear that in mind!

The only reason I test in IE is because I tend to use it more often, and I am fairly busy, so dont have time to wait for FF to boot with god knows how many other programs there are running on the machine



New Member
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I would suggest while coding to try and conform to W3C standards. Will save you a lot of trouble and help reduce problems like these. Also I like to use Dreamweaver a lot since it automatically changes old outdated tags to W3C Compliant tags.
Couple useful links:


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I would like to correct you on not testing in IE.

No matter how much you deny it, IE MUST be your primary concern when testing, since it's still most used browser (about 75%) and the figure started raising since IE7 Beta 2 got out. Futhermore, IE7 Beta 3, even though only beta still, is way superior to FF in every way (speed, security, JS support) and is W3C compliant. I'm not saying this because I'm some IE fanatic, I actually used FF since it got out untill IE7 got out, and this is my objective opinion as web developer.

In short, if you just can't make your site look properly in every browser (but you really should), your primary concern has to be IE and than FF.
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Torch said:
I would like to correct you on not testing in IE.

No matter how much you deny it, IE MUST be your primary concern when testing, since it's still most used browser (about 75%) and the figure started raising since IE7 Beta 2 got out. Futhermore, IE7 Beta 3, even though only beta still, is way superior to FF in every way (speed, security, JS support) and is W3C compliant. I'm not saying this because I'm some IE fanatic, I actually used FF since it got out untill IE7 got out, and this is my objective opinion as web developer.

In short, if you just can't make your site look properly in every browser (but you really should), your primary concern has to be IE and than FF.
Just want to post something like this:biggrin:


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You who said that IE should be the main concern for testing on : you're absolutely Wrong dude !!!

I am actually coding another but small website of mine. I do not use dreamweaver anymore: I use only open-source syntax highlighters, such as jEdit or the excellent "programmer's notepad" (or notepad.exe ^.^) because I learned the code enough. and testing on the layout view of Dreamweaver is a bad idea. Visitors won't open your website with Dreamweaver.exe =D (his layout rendreing is based on IE's i think)

But testing on IE is even worse.
One only throws html-tag soup garbage and proprietary code out there and it works fine.
Result: we have within all IRC and Forums complaining about websites uncorrectly viewed on Firefox. It's the opposite: YOU are the one who did retarded code that works fine in IE, because IE is retarded.

I'll return to what I first said: I am actually making this website, and you know what? I have Opera, Firefox and IE open at the same time, and refresh the page each time I add a line of html or especially Css.
I know it wastes time, but you keep on track of every change that will happen, so that you can correct a "bug" if it happens cause you know the modification you did for that to happen. So you end up gaining so much time amongst other things.

In this website, I did sth different: I tested only in Opera and FF. the small bugs that I had, was only concerning differences between margin/padding on absolute or fixed blocks. anyway. The website was perfect on both different browsers (=different layout engines;) and when I opened the webpage on IE waiting for real-world bugs to appear, and wasn't surprised.

After a bunch of tricks that did not work, I thought I would just ignore IE and design the site for modern browsers only, but i said to myself: professional webdesigners spend valuable time caring about IE, so I decided to do that too, even if it's only a small very personal website.
I unlinked the main stylesheet, and started making a new one for IE (to appear and function as on FF+OPR). Finally, with the help of Dean Edwards' extraordinary scripts that enable position:fixed and CSS2 selectors and pseudo selectors, and while rebuilding the whole stylesheet, I made it work 99.5% like on FF+OPR, which I am very proud of.

Linked the special stylesheet for IE using conditional <!--comments--> (without ignoring the CSS' cascade system) . that's all.

"The only reason I test in IE is because I tend to use it more often" - So funny man!! Do _you_ make a website for yourself ? ;D

"No matter how much you deny it, IE MUST be your primary concern when testing, since it's still most used browser" - No way mister. If webdesigners (especially advanced ones) keep on doing that, then we won't have any web standards anymore. If you were able to design real web standard compliant websites, you would have appreciated them, and respected them so much, and hated IE forever: preceding, actual and future(?) versions =D

Besides, you say that IE7 is standards compliant: Hahahaahahah !!
IE7 will be just like a patch to IE6 that hasn't been updated (standards-speaking) since 99's. Especially Css support. But not everything, far less.
Even, IE7 won't support the MIME type required for files coded as XHTML 1.1, the application/xhtml+xml, and IETeam is saying it proudly on their PR weblog, proudly.

What make me laugh so hard even more, is that IE7 will somewhat have a bit of Css suport fixed, that most websites (tested in IE) will BREAK in IE7. Yes! That's awesome.

"IE7 Beta 3, even though only beta still, is way superior to FF in every way (speed, security, JS support) and is W3C compliant." - IE7 is not standards compliant. and as much as secure it will be, it will be CERTAINly brought down. unlike FF and Opera. FF is constantly updated with security fixes.

then, if you're saying that IE is fast, I do agree, but only in program loading, not webpage rendering or browsing. It is logical, since it is embedded and part of Windows OS. while FF is Not. But FF is far more speedy in web browsing and in STANDRADS compliance.

Wait a second, ain't I using Opera? yes, and it is the best browser ever. and the fastest too ; ). you Really should see this. Really.
Opera, on each update, doesn't fix its program, bnut adds features.
Opera 9 actually has (without speaking of the browser):
*Rss support (very good, compared to FF's)
*email client
*IRC client
*bittorrent DL
*content blocking
*voice controls and mouse gestures
*restoring all tabs (+history) after an eventual crash
*zoom text + images
*fit to window width : for annoying horizontal scrolls ; D
*ability to undisplay images on websites
*site preferences ......
etc. etc.
Really: What else do you still want?
I'm a real Opera fan I must admit.

I have come to an end of this reply, hope it was useful.
oh no I forgot; Opera is the REAL standard browser also, because it has fully passed the Acid2 test. Check out the test result in IE6 LOL!!

I have come to an end this time, and it is the last time i'm saying this.
So, well, see ya


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This isn't a thread about browsers, but anyway...

There really is no discussion on which primary concern your browser should be, the figures say it all. In the end, anyone can do all comparisons they want, IE still is and will be the primary browser no matter how we like it.

And I like I said, I'm not IE fanatic, I'm not arguing with you, I'm giving you my objective opinion as web developer with many years of expirience. And like I also said, I've been using FF since day one, it is uncompareably better than IE6, but so is IE7 to FF. If you do some random browsing and testing, you'll see that FF renders wrongly just as much if not even more sites than IE7, which is still under heavy development.

And for the end, no matter how much anyone likes FF, Opera, Netscape or whichever and hates Microsoft and anything about it (e.g. IE), the figures are (unfotunately) waaay in their favor and that can't just be ignored.

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