Restoring my account Please

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New Member
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Hi Corey, Hi x10hosting team,

My domain:
CPanel username: wolf

Thanks Corey for your response, my domain seems back up but now it's pointing to "". Also my actual site or pages can't be accessed yet. Could someone restore that for me please.

I also can't login to CPanel, I tried all my usernames and passwords - no success - i also entered my email to retrieve/reset password but it didn't recognize my email either. Could someone please pm or email me my login info or reset it.

I also couldn't login to this x10hosting forum on here anymore, had to register again ... are my posting points lost now? Do PCRiot points count as well? or only x10hosting points?

On a side note: What is the current server status/reliability? I have a few important things i would like to go live with, but not till i know that the server is fully back up to it's usual reliability.

Thanks for all your support and all your hard work to make x10hosting the best hosting out there.

Best regards :eek:riginal:

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