I have deleted a test database, without deleting its corresponding user. all went well until I recreated said database and user... Now it flags that the user I'm creating already exists. Problem is, that user is not listed under that database.
How do I fix this? Can't I, the admin, just have access to the users tab of phpMyAdmin?
EDIT: I tried creating another user with create privileges to drop the user, but whenever I try to execute a drop command... I can't because current user doesn't seem have those privileges.
EDIT: swoosh, I missed the option to re-add existing users.
How do I fix this? Can't I, the admin, just have access to the users tab of phpMyAdmin?
EDIT: I tried creating another user with create privileges to drop the user, but whenever I try to execute a drop command... I can't because current user doesn't seem have those privileges.
EDIT: swoosh, I missed the option to re-add existing users.
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