Despite that it looks childish, RS actually has the best gameplay and most complex economics of all MMOs. I have played it since almost the day one (when the total players online barelly hitted 400-500 and the graphics were even works, eg. launch RS1). I now just log in from time to time to see what's new, but yes the 'paid' part of it is now too larger than the 'free' part. Putting that aside, the only bad thing about RS is community which is horrible.
yes,my friend just joined 2 days ago and he is alredy a member.I've been playing for 1.5 years and I'm still not a member.But without this member stuff,we would not have this awesome runescape site because they would not get any money!:rant2: So dont act all:nuts: about RS
RuneScape is great because of the amount of people on at the same time. It is great for clans. Which is why I started my own clan! ^-^ Pity I'm not a member though...