Hello, first of all I really love the hosting on this site. However, I have a problem when I try to get the accounts that are made in MySQL connecting to the database. I have checked the mySQL page and they are named properly and are associated with the database.
I can connect to the mysql just fine, but I get the following error when I try to connect to the database I have
"Access denied for user 'n3mc0n_anyone'@'localhost' to database 'n3mc0n_board'"
Yes, n3mc0n_anyone is a user I have made and is associated with n3mc0n_board.
I can connect to the mysql just fine, but I get the following error when I try to connect to the database I have
"Access denied for user 'n3mc0n_anyone'@'localhost' to database 'n3mc0n_board'"
Yes, n3mc0n_anyone is a user I have made and is associated with n3mc0n_board.