Sending Automated Email Auction Style.


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I all i'm new here so if i'm in the wrong section please correct me.

So this is the problem i'm trying to create an auction style site, and i want an email to be sent at the expire date of the item auctioned.
For example:

Product x bla bla bla
expire date 07-07-2010

i want an email to be sent at that date to the owner of the item with the detail of the product and a confirmation link that confirms he indeed wants the item to be sold.
If yes the one that has auctioned will receive an email from the owner with is contact so they can do business else, he will receive an email saying the item is no longer avaliable for purchase.

Thanks In advance to all who help in this matter!:smile:


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You will want to use PHP to send the emails and interact with the database.
You will want to use a CRON job to schedule a script to run once an hour or so to check the database for expired auctions and send out the auction expiration emails.
You will want another PHP script/page to be the target of the seller's confirmation link; this would market the auction as in progress or cancelled and email the auction status to the bidder.

If this is a learning project, that should be a sufficient start for you (use the PHP Manual to learn that if you need to; search the forums for how to schedule a CRON job or perhaps someone after me can give a good explanation of exactly how to do that). Ask if you want more detailed instructions. If you are looking for a finished solution, then you can try posting this request with a credit or PayPal bounty (i.e. offer credits or $) in the "Ads & Offers" forum in the "Site Promotion" section. Hope that helps. :)


New Member
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You will want to use PHP to send the emails and interact with the database.
You will want to use a CRON job to schedule a script to run once an hour or so to check the database for expired auctions and send out the auction expiration emails.
You will want another PHP script/page to be the target of the seller's confirmation link; this would market the auction as in progress or cancelled and email the auction status to the bidder.

If this is a learning project, that should be a sufficient start for you (use the PHP Manual to learn that if you need to; search the forums for how to schedule a CRON job or perhaps someone after me can give a good explanation of exactly how to do that). Ask if you want more detailed instructions. If you are looking for a finished solution, then you can try posting this request with a credit or PayPal bounty (i.e. offer credits or $) in the "Ads & Offers" forum in the "Site Promotion" section. Hope that helps. :)

thank you time to start studying then :D