, [html] or [code] tags (as appropriate) to separate and format code.
The code uses far too many [URL="http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?GlobalVariablesAreBad"]global variables[/URL]. One simple fix is to wrap it in an anonymous, [URL="http://2007-2010.lovemikeg.com/2008/08/17/a-week-in-javascript-patterns-self-invocation/"]self-invoking function[/URL]. Another is to use JS's [URL="http://www.brainonfire.net/blog/javascript-object-literal-namespace/"]namespace pattern[/URL] ([URL="http://www.chrislambistan.com/2011/07/design-primitives-in-javascript_10.html"][2][/URL]): make the variables and functions properties of an object literal. The first essentially gives you a private namespace, the second a public one. You can even combine the techniques and populate the [URL="http://sparecycles.wordpress.com/2008/06/29/advanced-javascript/"]namespace in a self-invoking function[/URL], and make public namespace names [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/gg578608.aspx"]static or dynamic[/URL].
[quote="josejohnson63, post: 890846"][code][...]
Using a literal for the slide ID of the slide isn't very flexible. Better to store it in a variable, settable by assigning to an object property or by calling a setter.
[quote="josejohnson63, post: 890846"][code][...]
slide_int = setInterval("displaySlide()", slide_speed);
[c]setInterval[/c] (and every other [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher-order_function"]higher-order function[/URL]) accepts a function as the first argument, which is preferable to a string as it doesn't require an extra evaluation step and it's more flexible in cases when you must use variables in the function call (not applicable here, but quite useful other times):
slide_int = setInterval(displaySlide, slide_speed);
[quote="josejohnson63, post: 890846"][code][...]
//start slider
<title>Test Slide</title>
<script src="slider.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
<body onload="runSlide()">
[c]runSlide[/c] is called twice: once in the script and once in the body's "load" handler. One should be removed. Moreover, code should generally either define things or do things, not both. The slider library should be limited to defining things, and slider set-up should be handled elsewhere.