SiteReptile Login Failure

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Edit -- Request -- Can someone else test SiteReptile from cPanel too? It's under Software/Services. I'm not asking for anyone to actually change their webpage with it, but I'd really like to know if the login issue is related to my account or if it's a problem somewhere else?

Short and sweet, problem:
I wanted to use the SiteReptile app to flesh out a quick template. When choosing it through cPanel, it autofills the domain and username fields for me. I'm entering in the password I use to access cPanel for the account. I get a "username or password incorrect" message.

Already tested possible solutions:
Fill in domain, username, and password fields manually. (failed)
Created second ftp account to try (failed)
Changed password to cPanel and then attempted to login (failed)
Searched forums for possible solution (failed - found several old posts that went unanswered or magically resolved for the user with no changes to method)
-Edited additional test outside of SiteReptile- Used alternative FTP program to test domain/username/password (success)

Next step:
Unknown.. hoping someone can tell me there is a current bug, workaround, or just tell me if I'm overlooking something incredibly simple.
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