SmartFTP Global Queue


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If you are having to upload folders that will take you a while to upload (such as forums and all that), then an easy way to upload them is to use SmartFTP's Global Queue function.

The global queue function uploads a few files at once and also displays how many files left etc. Also if it is a big file you are uploading, then it will display how long it has taken so far and how much longer till its complete.

To put the files on the Global Queue, copy the files and folders that you want to upload. In the transfers toolbar, click at the top where it says 'Global Source', right click and click 'paste'. Once the files appear on that list, browse to the folder you want to upload the file/s and/or folder/s to. Once it is showing the folder you want to upload to, select all the folders/files (hold ctrl and click on each one, or click the first one then hold ctrl and shift and then click the files/folder at the bottom of the list. Drag these files to the folder view thingy (the window under the login fields). Once you do this, the files will then disappear from the global source list and then appear in the global queue list. Click on the tab 'Global Queue', once again click all the files and then look for the play button near the top of the transfers window/toolbar (click it). This will now start the transfer process.

This seems to cut down upload time by a bit and may also stop those 'Transfer Failed' notices that occur quite a bit.
